Mar 5, 2009

Some pics from Chickmagalur

This post was lying as a draft from a long time. Didn't feel like posting as the images were clicked from a very basic camera, and didn't like the quality of them. I was browsing through the post today and thought why not post it anyways... It's better to keep the blog alive rather than inactivity, right?

A small stream...

These are the red leaves/flowers I was talking about in my older post.Well, the one i had planted began to sprout, but for the heat now, I am not too sure it would grow or not....

Loved the reflection in this serene pond.... Wish I had carried a better camera... Anyways!



  1. These are gorgeous, looks like a lovely place.

  2. I liked the first picture the best, as you have said, the reflection is so clear..I have never been to Chikamaglur..want to go there some time:)

  3. sometimes pics speak better than words. like this- :)

  4. Good ones! esp one with reflection.

    Where were these hidden all these days?

  5. reminder- 1. waiting for updates 2. u promised something.. remember?

  6. Hey Preeti....
    My efforts are all concentrated over the other blog now.... Will update this one soon....

    Oh that promise? Sorry yaar.... it's actually in a DVD, that i've preserved and kept safely! Will send it to u over the weekend.... sure.

  7. hi sum, I have moved too :)

  8. beautiful place....photographed well..

  9. The place looks heavenly. And the pictures are really good too. Thanks for sharing :)

  10. awesome pics Sum! looks like I've missed the "other" blog totally...lemme check!
