Dec 12, 2013

Dairy free diet : Update

Unfortunately it is CMPA that Adu has :( . The elimination diet that i followed almost proved it. I was on a milk free diet for 15 days during which he had improved and then i tested with just a bit of milk in coffee and less than a teaspoon of ghee. And almost on the same day, he again showed symptoms. Also his rashes kind of increased this time. And again, i ate something outside, which worsened his condition. 

Then the pediatrician confirmed it and said we just have to accept it. Though not life threatening, any little amount of dairy that i consume is going to affect him. Kids are likely to grow out of the allergy, some after a year, and most within the first few years. Till then, we got to be careful. 

Coming to my story, I have pretty much got used to dairy free diet now. All I miss is some filter coffee and garam chai in this cold weather. Apart from that I have found quite a number of dairy-substitute products. It is not as big a deal as I had thought, anyway! Of course the big challenge would be when I visit India, lets face that then.

For now, there is no issue as such and my baby is growing well as well. Grateful for it :)


  1. Hi This is Veena...Ex igator... :-) my sis has this allergy but not a big deal to live with this.She is 40 yrs old and njoys butter milk,ghee ,curd etc...but not milk in its form...also she used to take almod milk,soy milk,rice milk,coconut milk etc etc...I guess lil one may not be allergic to goat's sister is not allergic to this...

    1. Hey Veena! Thank you so much for visiting her and for the comment... Yeah... hopefully things change soon and he'd get out of this allergy...

  2. This too shall pass Sum. Like you said, it may not be as hard as it seems. Just keep a close watch on his food, once he starts solids. Managing Toddlers is a different ballgame altogether! Hopefully, he'll be out of it by then.

    1. Yeah, Hema, hopefully .... Thank you...
